Fresh New Logo Design for GP Awareness - Shirts Available!
I was absolutely thrilled when I saw the new design created not only for GP awareness but specifically for our approach to healing GP naturally. The logo represents all that we share and represent - the stomach, a drop of oil, a leaf (nature), and someone just like us or someone we love reaching toward the goal of a cure.

When talking about healing it can sometimes be misunderstood. This is something that is talked about in detail in our book (coming out in November!). Here is a quote that may shed some light...
It may be misunderstood as offering a cure, or perhaps taken offense to because many spend so much time and energy looking for answers and still suffer. This is not what we mean when we say heal. Healing can come in many forms and it is just all in the way we look at it. Literally meaning to make whole, healing is the process of the restoration of health to an unbalanced, diseased, or damaged organism. Healing may be physical or psychological and not without the mutual reception of these two dimensions of human health.
In psychiatry and psychology, healing is the process by which neuroses and psychoses are resolved to the degree that the client is able to lead a normal or fulfilling existence without being overwhelmed by psychopathological phenomena.
It is all about quality of life.
This is approached with the combination of essential oils proven to help support digestion and improve quality of life, nourishing foods the stomach can process, creating space for hope and allowing others to support you through group and one-on-one connections.
To help spread this awareness and support our mission check out the t-shirts, tanks and hoodies now available! Orders can be placed through Saturday, October 15th.

In addition, GP Walk Awareness shirts are still available to order with end date of October 15th.

100% proceeds go directly towards helping those directly who live with gastroparesis through the non-profit Wisdom by Nature, providing one on one consultations and care packages to those on a limited income.
Thank you for your continued support and hope that we can make a difference!