The Importance of Clean Crafted Wine

Many years the top question has been is wine safe for me to have on special occasions?
During the holidays we want to enjoy ourselves and not stress about what to eat or drink. We do our best to share ideas to coach you in the best direction to make the holiday season the best it can be for you.
In a past blog we talk about how to navigate the holidays with our GP digestion blends.
My first response is, make sure it is organic or clean as possible and low in sulfites. The reason being is that herbicides and pesticides have an impact on our digestion.
Animal and human studies suggest that exposure to glyphosate and herbicide adjuvants can induce adverse health outcomes mediated by the microbiome
Animal and human studies suggest that chronic exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides can induce adverse health outcomes. In particular, urinary excretion of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid was shown to have increased between 1993 and 2016.
Some evidence exists—mainly in bees and rats—about the secondary effects of glyphosate on health (even when used at doses considered safe) through promoting opportunistic pathogens and extinguishing commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus species and butyrate-producing bacteria.
The consequences of glyphosate-induced changes in the gut microbiome composition may, for example, include altered gut microbial development during early life and increased anxiety and depression-like behaviors in mice. Furthermore, microbiome alterations similar to the ones observed with glyphosate were shown to be associated with other systemic manifestations that include inflammation, reflux disease, obesity, colon cancer and celiac disease.
Although some of the glyphosate-led changes in the gut microbiome resemble those observed in celiac disease and intestinal inflammatory conditions, it is too early to infer how the changes in gut microbiota composition translate into human health. Beyond wheat, glyphosate can be found in other dietary sources such as legumes, corn and soy. In addition, additives used in conjunction with glyphosate in herbicides can also drive changes in the gut microbiome. However, it should be acknowledged that the level and quality of evidence that supports glyphosate’s effects on the microbiome is weak and some research in rats suggests glyphosate has only a limited impact on the gut microbiome.
What Brand Do You Suggest?
I never really had a brand that I liked because it was hard to find wine that was what I wanted to endorse until now. I have followed Scout and Cellar for over a year, much to my cousin Rachel's persistence! She swore that this woman owned small company was a perfect fit. This past year I finally went to a virtual class about the company. I have to say I was impressed with what I learned. I am not easily persuaded with marketing hype and ingredient labels that are misleading. Below I share some information I have learned about Scout and Cellar. At the end of the day it is all about your health and what works best for you. Healing GP Naturally is just here to support you on your journey.
What I liked about Scout and Cellar
To start with, there were no high pressured selling. It was all about the product, where it comes from and how the wines are processed. They care about the planet and choices people want, whether it be vegan, or organic and low sugars and sulfites.
We source Clean-Crafted™ wine from all over the world, creating and bottling wildly delicious wines with an authentic sense of place, working directly with growers and producers who embody our Clean-Crafted Commitment® in their daily practices. We walk through the vineyards, visit the cellars, share meals together. The end result? Delicious wines. Better in the bottle. Better in your glass. Better for the planet.
For a wine to be considered Clean-Craftedâ„¢, it goes through two rounds of independent lab testing to guarantee that it's free of yucky stuff like synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and has fewer than 100ppm of total sulfites. We also evaluate and review farming and production practices to confirm that they are, in fact, Clean-Crafted. Why do we do this? Because we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Because we're committed to offering a more natural, altogether better-tasting wine experience
All Wine Has Sulfites
Sulfites are naturally occurring antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in grapes and are utilized to protect the wine from oxygen until it reaches your glass. Because of the slow-crafted, intentional way Scout & Cellar wines are made, they require very little sulfur additions to remain stable. Most have less than 50ppm; all must have less than 100ppm. As a point of reference, the FDA allows up to 350ppm.
If you frequently experience adverse reactions due to sulfites in wine, Scout & Cellar's selection may be a great alternative, but please check with your healthcare professional first.
Organic? Vegan?
Almost all of the Scout & Cellar wine selection is vegan. Some may not be, and this is due to the clarification processed used. More detailed information about this can be found on our Scout & Cellar FAQ page!
Within each wine description (viewable by clicking the product image), we make sure to detail whether your favorite wine is organic and/or vegan! We also include the wine's flavor profile, residual sugar and alcohol content.
While the means in which the grapes for our wines are grown tend to be organic, they are not always independently certified as organic. We don't want to mislead and imply that our wines are certified organic on the product description page. However, for a wine to be considered Clean-Craftedâ„¢, it goes through two rounds of independent lab testing to guarantee that it's free from of yucky stuff like artificially-synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and has fewer than 100ppm of total sulfites.
We also evaluate and review farming and production practices to confirm that they are, in fact, Clean-Crafted - meaning grown with no artificially-synthetic pesticides, made with no chemical additives and has no added sugar or sweetener. This is our Clean-Crafted Commitment and you can be confident that all of our wines follow this standard
Join Founder & CEO Sarah Shadonix as she explains the love, care and attention to detail that goes into every step of Clean-Crafted winemaking, from grape to glass.
Then try the Clean-Crafted difference for yourself.